douglas pitzer douglas pitzer

Strokes of Genius, LLC. wins Tech Innovator of the City for 2022 in Roanoke, Virginia

Pitzer started a tutoring service called Strokes of Genius after the coronavirus pandemic created further learning disparities.

“Over the past two years I’ve just been finding ways to implement myself in the community with areas in need such as technology,” he said.

When he sees community camaraderie, he said it’s a moment of self-preservation for the city.

“This has been an important city for quite some time,” he said. “We’ve done what was needed to make this city grow. And now we are understanding that it is easier to happen, if we come together and do these areas of need.”

Pitzer started a tutoring service called Strokes of Genius after the coronavirus pandemic created further learning disparities.

“Over the past two years I’ve just been finding ways to implement myself in the community with areas in need such as technology,” he said.

When he sees community camaraderie, he said it’s a moment of self-preservation for the city.

“This has been an important city for quite some time,” he said. “We’ve done what was needed to make this city grow. And now we are understanding that it is easier to happen, if we come together and do these areas of need.”

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douglas pitzer douglas pitzer

How Technology Can Boost Productivity in 2022

Aren’t we all looking for ways in which technology can increase our productivity? Here’s some solutions from Analytics Insight that we have found to be great advice listed below:

This article will show you 6 ways in which technology can boost productivity in your business.

1. Use Video Conferencing Software

Video conferencing has risen in popularity ever since the start of the pandemic. And it has brought with it many benefits to businesses. People from different parts of the world can now meet through video calls and strike huge business deals.

As a business, you can now save many expenses. In the past, you needed to pay people to fly in, and pay for their hotel rooms, and conference halls. Video conferencing software relieves you of these expenses. Nowadays, you can hold meetings online and make critical decisions without being in the same room.

Video conferencing software also saves you the time you would have needed to travel to the meeting. Once you prepare the details, you can just hop into the call in a quiet room. Once you’re done, you can get back to doing your other tasks.

2. Use proxies for research

Market research is an unskippable part of any successful business strategy. It helps you learn your target audience’s pain points and desires. You also discover the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.

Most companies do research manually, and this can be time-consuming. But with proxies, you can collect large amounts of data by scraping millions of websites simultaneously. You can then analyze this data to identify patterns and reach relevant conclusions that can impact your business decisions.

3. Use a scheduling system

A scheduling system helps you plan your days, so you have ample time to interact with employees. You won’t need to worry about overlapping appointments, events, and meetings you have going on. When everyone in the company can see your calendar, they can fix theirs to match your free time if they want to meet.

Scheduling systems also boost teamwork by enabling you to assign tasks to teams with a set of instructions. Apps like Asana allow you to schedule tasks that should be completed by people in your organization.

Why are these areas helpful?

High productivity is important for success because it results in greater revenue generation and better customer service. When your staff is productive, they will invest all their efforts into helping your business grow.

Technology can help you improve productivity in your business in many ways. For example the areas listed above, you can automate various repetitive processes, use scheduling software, and install a chatbot to answer customer inquiries. All of this provides you with time to spend on more important things, such as brainstorming marketing strategies.

Click here for Full Article by Market Trends, May 30, 2022

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douglas pitzer douglas pitzer

A new billionaire every 30 hours: Wealth increased for the richest during pandemic

Did you know there is a new billionaire every 30 hours? How can that be? Check out this article to find out.

As a nation, we have been dealing with financial issues since the pandemic began; however, this has not been the case for everyone. New data is being reported based off economic reports around the world. Here’s an interesting article below from Marina Pitofsky with USA TODAY talking about the results.

A new billionaire reached the 10-figure financial status an average of once every 30 hours during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, according to a new analysis from Oxfam. 

The report, released by the international organization focused on fighting poverty, said 573 people became new billionaires during the pandemic.

But the organization noted in a statement on Monday that this year it expects “263 million more people will crash into extreme poverty, at a rate of a million people every 33 hours.”

The combined wealth of billionaires worldwide is equivalent to 13.9% of global GDP, according to the organization. More than 2,600 billionaires own approximately $12.7 trillion, and the analysis states that the world’s richest 20 billionaires are worth more than the entire GDP of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

It also cites billionaires and corporations in the food, energy, pharmaceutical and technology sectors raking in some of the most significant wealth.  

The organization used financial figures from Forbes’ billionaire list from March 2020 to March 2022 to analyze the wealth of the richest people around the world.

The release of the analysis coincided with the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Corporate executives, government officials and some of the wealthiest people in the world are attending the event in person this year after a two-year hiatus because of the pandemic.

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Chinese cave explorers discovered a 630-foot-deep sinkhole containing a massive ancient forest

View from the bottom of a giant sinkhole in China.

Photo by: Song Wen/Xinhua via Getty

Have you ever thought about how big the world really is? The world is still full of secrets. In China's Guangxi region, Xinhua News reported, some cave explorers found a massive ancient forest hidden inside a giant sinkhole.

"I wouldn't be surprised to know that there are species found in these caves that have never been reported or described by science until now."

- George Veni

The sinkhole measured over a thousand feet in length and was nearly 630 feet deep, Zhang Yuanhai, a senior engineer with the Institute of Karst Geology at the Chinese Academy of Geologi­cal Sciences, told the outlet earlier this month.

Known as tiankeng in Mandarin, or "heavenly pit," sinkholes are common in South China because of the nature of the landscape. The landscape, called karst, is formed when rainwater dissolves bedrock, Veni told Live Science .

"Because of local differences in geology, climate, and other factors, the way karst appears at the surface can be dramatically different," he told the outlet. "So in China, you have this incredibly visually spectacular karst with enormous sinkholes and giant cave entrances and so forth. In other parts of the world, you walk out on the karst, and you really don't notice anything. Sinkholes might be quite subdued, only a meter or two in diameter. Cave entrances might be very small, so you have to squeeze your way into them."

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The Apple Car Could Feature VR Technology And No Windows

Who needs windows when you have VR?

Did you know Apple has been working on a Car since 2014? After years of radio silence from the company, reports have began circulating that the company had switched gears and was now working on a self-driving vehicle that requires no input on behalf of the passengers. As such this autonomous car would lack any and all driver controls, including a steering wheel and foot pedals.

Since then Apple has filed several car-related patents teasing a number of potential features. That said, the most recent patent might be the company’s most interesting one yet.

On May 3rd, 2022, Apple filed a patent with the United States Patent & Trademark Office for an in-car VR entertainment system that utilizes the motion of the vehicle to further immerse passengers in their in-headset experiences. VR content is synchronized with the movement and acceleration of the autonomous vehicle as it travels to the desired location, offering a unique location-based experience that changes based on your commute.

According to past reports, Apple is expected to launch its long-awaited self-driving car sometime around 2025, though we’ve yet to receive any form of official confirmation from the company. Apple has filed a number of outrageous trademarks in the past that have yet to see the light of day.

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douglas pitzer douglas pitzer

17 JOBS OF THE FUTURE (and jobs that have no future)

What do you believe will be the jobs of the Future? Let’s check out the video below to hear about some amazing jobs of the future? Also, ask yourself, how many of these jobs have you heard about before? Enjoy.

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