Welcome to the Strokes of Genius Website!
Our Ideas Begin With Strokes Of Genius
What would you do if your children is reading below their current reading level? Strokes of Genius, LLC is a revolutionary company dedicated to improving teen literacy through immersive, interactive learning environments. We use technological tools for literacy education, equipping teens to succeed academically and beyond while helping schools and programs meet critical educational benchmarks.
Services for Organizations
Educational Literacy Services
We partner with schools and youth programs to transform their locations into captivating spaces where students can engage in targeted, hands-on literacy sessions that blend reading, writing, and critical thinking with real-world problem-solving scenarios.
Community Information Technology (C.I.T.)
Through creative curriculum, interactive tech tools, and a modern approach to students' learning styles. Our C.I.T workshops have empirically shown a boost in comprehension, vocabulary, and writing fluency in ways that traditional methods are beginning to utilize.
Programs for the Public
Upcoming Events
Strokes of Genius, LLC. collaborates with various community organizations in the NW and SW areas of Roanoke City. Click below to come to our free programming to the public for participants under 18 years of age.
Esports competitions
Strokes of Genius hosts competitions, tournaments, and workshops introducing the fundamental areas around video game creation.
Moments of Genius
Strokes of Genius loves to help students be prepared for school and other educational experiences. Check out our moments when SOG has been recognized as a resource for students, staff, and others in the community.